ENERGY FORUM INDEX: Four times a year IAEE sends its members the “IAEE Energy Forum”. The newsletter gives an account of IAEE Affiliate/Chapter activities and provides special reports and energy information from around the world. The Newsletter also contains articles on a wide range of applied/topical energy economics issues, as well as notes and special notices of interest to members. Further, the publication lists a calendar of upcoming conferences/seminars/trade shows as well as recently published books of interest to energy economists. If you are interested in receiving a subscription to the “IAEE Energy Forum”, you can join online.

The paper: The recent focus on companies’ environmental, social and governance (ESG) or how they serve the natural environment, workers, communities, customers, vendors and shareholders, has been gaining momentum. Companies investments into these three pillars are increasing remarkably, and benchmarking their relative performances in ESG indices is moving from being optional to essential. ESG reporting has been challenging to policymakers, boards and executives, and it is forcing companies to revamp their corporate strategies. ESG regulations have the potential to raise the cost of capital of oil and gas producers as well as the marginal cost of production, which will ultimately impact markets and prices.